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    Home-News- Product News-How is a metal tile roof roll forming machine working?

    How is a metal tile roof roll forming machine working?

    292 Nov 05-2024

    How is a metal tile roof roll forming machine working?

    Metal tile roof roll forming machine is a roll forming machine that produces roofing sheets with a stepped profile. This type of machine can produce metal roofing sheets with different steps or waves, depending on the customers requirements. And the step tile length, roof length, tile depth can be adjusted as project need.


    The metal tile roof roll forming machine works by feeding a steel metal coil into the forming rollers and gradually shape the metal into the desired stepped profile. The metal is then cut to the required length and stacked. Step tile roll forming machines are often automated, making them more efficient and reducing labor costs.

     tile roof forming machine

    What are the features of Metal Tile Roof Forming Machine?

    1. Automatically forming and cutting at any length

    The controlled system can be set to produce pieces of metal at a specific length and quantity. Once the settings have been input, the tile roof roll forming machine will automatically produce and cut the metal to the desired length and number of pieces.


    2. Signal feedback from the encoder

    An encoder is the device that measures the rotational movement of this tile roof roll forming machine component. In this case, the encoder measures the length of the metal being formed by the machine and sends a signal back to the control panel.


    3. The control panel counts of the finished roof sheet total length

    The control system is the interface used to set the length and quantity of the metal being produced. It also keeps track of the total length of metal produced by the machine.


    4. CNC precision machining rollers and hard Chrome coated

    The rollers for this tile roof roll forming machine are that shape the metal into the desired profile. CNC precision machines are computer-controlled machines that ensure precise and accurate manufacturing. Hard chromium plating is a process that adds a layer of chromium to the surface of the rollers, making them more durable and resistant to wear.


    5. The cutting die has been thermal treatment to 55-60HRC

    The cutting die is the component of the machine that cuts the metal to the desired length. Cr12 steel is a high-quality tool steel that is known for its toughness and durability. CNC machines are used to fabricate the cutting die with precision, and thermal treatment is a process that hardens the steel to a desired level of hardness, in this case 55-60HRC.


    So, a good quality high precision metal tile roof roll forming machine should be strictly controlled at each manufacturing steps, such as CNC machining, good quality Cr12 material for rollers, famous brand electric parts and hydraulic parts and so on.